Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1841 Tibetan cavalryman
Culture: Tibetan
Setting: Tibetan wars, 1788-1904
Object: sword

* Metropolitan Museum of Art > Stone Gallery of Arms and Armor
"Sword  Tibetan, 17th-19th century  Iron, silver, gold, turquoise, wood, and textile...  
This sword is as representative example of the most familiar Tibetan form, well made and of fairly good quality.  The surface of the blade has a prominent hairpin pattern, which is an important characteristic of traditional Tibetan swords.  The pattern consists of seven dark lines alternating with six light lines, caused by the repeated folding of two different types of iron, which were combined to make the blade during the forging process."

* American Museum of Natural History > Stout Hall of Asian Peoples

​Royal Armouries Museum > Oriental Gallery *
"Sword  Tibetan, 19th century   This type of sword is associated with the east of Tibet, and often ascribed to Derge.
  The guard is formed by a monster mask (kirtimukha) found on earlier Chinese presentation swords."​

​Angel Sword *

* Angel Sword

* Angel Sword