Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1420 Ming qīnwáng
Subject: 親王 qīnwáng prince as military commander
Culture: Chinese
Setting: Ming empire, China 15-17thc

event photos

* Royal Armouries Museum > Oriental Gallery 
"Sword (jian)  China, about 1420  This sword is one of the rarest and most beautiful surviving examples of ornate metalwork from the early Ming dynasty.  It was probably made in the imperial workshops of the Yongle Emperor (r.1403-24).  Similar decoration occurs on several ritual objects commissioned by the early Ming rulers.
    "Interaction with Tibetan Buddhism increased in China during this period.  This high-status sword could have been made for presentation to a powerful Tibetan monastery or allied ruler, or even for the Yongle Emperor himself." ...