Subject: elite warrior
Culture: Balinese
Setting: Bali 16-18thc
Context (Event Photos, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Field Notes)
* Reid 1988 v1 p86
"Long after the advent of sewn garments and even machine-made shirts, Javanese, Balinese, and Thais left as much as possible of the upper body bare for formal occasions, oiling the skin with perfumed and coloured cosmetics."
* von Duuren 1998 p76
"The oldest Balinese krisses were probably very similar to the Javanese ones. Old Balinese weapons are known to exist, but whether they were actually forged in Bali, is not clear. In later centuries the Balinese kris gains a character all its own, although both the shape of the blade and the entire design of the weapon remain obviously related to the old Javanese models."