Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1526 Ottoman sipahi
Subjectbeylerbey commander of sipahi knights 
Culture: Ottoman Turk
Setting: imperial warfare, Eastern Europe / Middle East 16-17thc
Objectçiçak helmet

* Metropolitan Museum of Art > Stone Gallery of Arms and Armor
damascened with gold
Ottoman period, 
mid-16th century
This helmet was forged from watered steel and decorated in gold with arabesques and Koranic inscriptions.  It is very similar to one now in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, made in about 1560 for a grand vizier of the Ottoman sultan Suleyman the Magnificent (reigned 1520-66).  Both helmets were presumably made in one of the imperial workshops, possibly in Istanbul.  Although this helmet is a serviceable military object, it must have been created primarily as part of a parade armor and as a symbol of rank."

* Metropolitan Museum of Art > Stone Gallery of Arms and Armor
Ottoman period, 
about 1550-1600
The decoration of split leaves and arabesques is frequently found on Ottoman ceramics and carpets of the mid-sixteenth century.  As with most conical helmets in Western collections, the bowl was originally fitted with a peak with a sliding nasal, cheekpieces, and a neck guard."

* Metropolitan Museum of Art > Stone Gallery of Arms and Armor
engraved and gilt
Ottoman period, 
dated 1588/89
This example is inscribed with the name Vizier Hasan Pasha and the date A.H. 977 (A.D. 1588/89).  A number of helmets and other elements of armor are engraved with the names of high-ranking Ottoman officials.  These are not necessarily owners' names but presumably served as inventory markings, indicating the vizier who was responsible for the armories at the time or designating helmets that belonged to men under the vizier's command."

* Armeria Real

* Moscow Kremlin > Armory
Typция, кoнeц XIV -- нaчaлo XVII в.
Cтaль, эoлoтo, дpaгoцeнныe, кaмии, биpюэa, чeкaнкa, никpycтaция, peэьбa
Диaмeтp 19 cм
Иэ кoллeкций Гocyдapcтвeннoй пaлaты"

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