Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>References in Print
>>English Q

References in Print -- English Q

The Qin dynasty terra-cotta army of dreams. 2005. ISBN 780712184x/k.7
Qin Shihuang: Terracotta warriors and horses. 1983. ISBN 0959412271
Quammen, David 2000. The boilerplate rhino. ISBN 0743200322
Quammen, David 2003. Monster of God: The man-eating predator in the jungles of history and the mind. ISBN 0393326098
Quataert, Donald 2000. The Ottoman empire, 1700-1922. ISBN 0521633605
Quataert, Donald 2005. The Ottoman empire, 1700-1922. 2e. ISBN 0521547822
Quatrich-Wales, HG 1957. Prehistory and religion in south-east Asia.
Quattrocchi, Angelo 2010. The Pope is not gay! ISBN 9781844674749
Queen, Sally & Vicki L Berger 2006. Clothing and textile collections in the United States. ISBN 0896725723
Queen, William 2005. Under and alone: The true story of the undercover agent who infiltrated America's most violent outlaw motorcycle gang. ISBN 9780812969528
Queen Elizabeth I. 1993. ISBN 0853725640
Queller, Donald E 1967. The office of ambassador in the Middle Ages. LCCN 6711034
Quennell, Marjorie & CHB 1959. Everyday life in Roman and Anglo-Saxon times. ISBN 0880291257
Quibell, JE 1900/2003. Hierakonpolis part 1.
Quilligan, Maureen 2005. Incest and agency in Elizabeth's England. ISBN 0812219058
Quilter, Jeffrey 2005. Treasures of the Andes. ISBN 1844832171
Quilter, Jeffrey 2005. Treasures of the Incas. ISBN 9781435127234
Quincy, Keith 1988. Hmong: History of a people. ISBN 0910055076 
Quincy, Keith 1995. Hmong: History of a people. 2e. ISBN 0910055246
Quinn, David Beers 1984. The lost colonists: Their fortune and probable fate. ISBN 0865262047
Quiñones Keber, Eloise ed. 2002. Representing Aztec ritual: Performance, text, and image in the work of Sahagún. ISBN 0870816829
Quinton, Rebecca 2013. Glasgow Museums: Seventeenth-century costume. ISBN 9781906509866