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Prevas, John 1998. Hannibal crosses the Alps: The invasion of Italy and the Punic Wars. ISBN 0306810700
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Proser, Adriana 2020. Buddha and Shiva, lotus and dragon: Masterworks from the Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection at Asia Society. ISBN 9783777434339
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Proven, Joshua 2021. Bullocks, grain, and good madeira: The Maratha and Jat campaigns, 1803-1806 and the emergence of the Indian army. ISBN 1913336549
Prower, Tomás 2015. La Santa Muerte. ISBN 9780738745510
Pryor, John H 1988. Geography, technology, and war: Studies in the maritime history of the Mediterranean 649-1571. ISBN 0521428920
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Puff, Helmut 2003. Sodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400-1600. ISBN 0236685063
Pugh, RJM 2013. The killing fields of Scotland AD 83 to 1746. ISBN 1781590192
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Putigny, Boby; de Kersauson, Olivier; Folco, Michel; & Jean-Paul Duchêne 1973. Easter Island. ISBN 0846701642
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