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>References in Print
>>English L

References in Print -- English L

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Lindholm, David & Peter Svård 2003. Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Art of the Longsword. ISBN 9781581604108
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Linn, Brian McAllister 1989. The U.S. Army and counterinsurgency in the Philippine war, 1899-1902. ISBN 0807849480
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Linnekin, Jocelyn 1990. Sacred queens and women of consequence: Rank, gender, and colonialism in the Hawaiian Islands. ISBN 0472064231 
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Lister, Adrian 2014. Mammoths & mastodons of the Ice Age. ISBN 1770853154
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Lively, Scott Kevin Abrams 1996:-( The pink swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi party. 2e. ISBN 0764760916
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Livingstone, Sheila 1996. Scottish customs. ISBN 0760704600
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Llywelyn, Morgan Michael Scott 1995. Ireland: A graphic history. ISBN 1852306270
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Lockard, Craig 2009. Southeast Asia in world history. ISBN 9780195338119
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Lockhart, James 1968. Spanish Peru 1532-1560: a colonial society. ISBN 0299046648
Lockhart, Paul 2008. The drillmaster of Valley Forge: The Baron de Steuben and the making of the American army. ISBN 9780061451645
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Logan, Pamela 1996. Among warriors: A woman martial artist in Tibet. ISBN 0375700765
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Lombard, Maurice 2003. The golden age of Islam. ISBN 1558763228
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Loomba, Ania 2005. Colonialism/postcolonialism. 2e. ISBN 9780415350648
López, Adalberto 2007. The colonial history of Paraguay: The revolt of the Comuneros, 1721-1735. ISBN 9780765807458
López, Ignacio & Iván & Gerry & Sam Embleton 2012. The Spanish tercios 1536-1704. ISBN 9781849087933
López Luján, Leonardo 1994. The offerings of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan. ISBN 0870813188
López Portillo y Pacheco, José tr. Beatrice Berler 1992. They are coming: The conquest of Mexico. ISBN 09293398351
Lord, Albert Bates 1991. Epic singers and oral tradition. ISBN 0801497175
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Lorge, Peter 2005. War, politics, and society in early modern China, 900-1795. ISBN 041531691x
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Loriega, James 1999. Sevillian steel: The traditional knife-fighting arts of Spain. ISBN 1581600399
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Lorimer, Sara 2002. Booty: Girl pirates on the high seas. ISBN 0760770174
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Loschek, Ingrid 2009. When clothes become fashion: Design and innovation systems. ISBN 9781847883667
Losty, JP Malini Roy 2012. Mughal India: Art, culture and empire. ISBN 9780712358712
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Lovell, Julia 2011. The Opium War. ISBN 978033053858
Lowe, Chris 1999. Angels, fools and tyrants: Britons and Anglo-Saxons in southern Scotland. ISBN 0862418755
Lowe, John 1996. Glimpses of Kyoto life. ISBN 090793373
Lowe, Richard ed. 1999. A Texas cavalry officer's Civil War: The diary and letters of James C. Bates. ISBN 0807123722
Lowie, Robert H 1954/1982. Indians of the Plains. ISBN 9780803279070
Lowry, Dave 1986. Bokken: Art of the Japanese sword. ISBN 0897501047
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Lowry, Dave 2002. Traditions: Essays on the Japanese martial arts and ways. ISBN 0804834326
Lowry, Dave 2006. In the dojo: A guide to the rituals and etiquette of the Japanese martial arts. ISBN 0834805723
Loxton, Daniel Donald R Prothero 2013. Abominable science! Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and other famous cryptids. ISBN 9780231153218
Loy, David R Linda Goodhew 2004. The dharma of dragons and daemons: Buddhist themes in modern fantasy. ISBN 0861714766
Loyn, Henry 1994. The Vikings in Britain. ISBN 063118712x
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Lubet, Steven 2004. Murder in Tombstone. ISBN 9780300115277
Luciano, Lynne 2001. Looking good: Male body image in modern America. ISBN 0809066386
Lukacs, John 1988. Budapest 1900: A historical portrait of a city & its culture. ISBN 0802132502
Luddy, Maria 2007. Prostitution and Irish society, 1800-1940. ISBN 9780521709057
Luijendijk, DH 2005. Kalarippayat: India's ancient martial art. ISBN 9781581604801
Lulof, Patricia S Iefke van Kampen eds. 2011. Etruscans. ISBN 9789040078071
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Lumley, Robert & Jonathan Morris eds. 1997. The new history of the Italian South. ISBN 0859895068
Luna, Severino N 1975. Born primitive in the Philippines. ISBN 0809307464
Lunenfeld, Marvin 1970. The council of the Santa Hermandad: A study of the pacification forces of Ferdinand and Isabella. ISBN 0870241435
Lung, Haha 1997. Assassin! The deadly art of the cult of the Assassins. ISBN 0806526203
Lung, Haha & Christopher B Prowant 2001. The black science: Ancient and modern techniques of ninja mind manipulation. ISBN 0581602626
Lung, Haha & Christopher B Prowant 2002. Mind manipulation: Ancient and modern ninja techniques. ISBN 0806523832
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Lurie, Alison 2000. The language of clothes. new intro. ISBN 0805062440
Lurie, Nancy Oestreich 2002. Wisconsin Indians. rev. ISBN 0870203304
Lurie, Nancy Oestreich & Duane Anderson 2000 Autumn/Winter. A lost art form: Feathered capes of the Great Lakes region. World of Tribal Arts vVI:3 p74-91
Luttwak, Edward N 1976. The grand strategy of the Roman empire from the first century A.D. to the third. ISBN 9780801821585
Luttwak, Edward N 2009. The grand strategy of the Byzantine empire. ISBN 9780674062078
Lyell, Charles 1863/1914. The geological evidence of the antiquity of man. ISBN 0486435768
Lyford, Carrie A 1940. Quill and beadwork of the Western Sioux. ISBN 0933472005
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Lynch, Aaron 1996. Thought contagion: How belief spreads through society. ISBN 0465084644
Lynch, John 2001. Argentine caudillo: Juan Manuel de Rosas. ISBN 9780842028981
Lynch, John & Louise Barrett 2003. Walking with cavemen. ISBN 0789497751
Lynch, William Francis 1853. Report of Commander W.F. Lynch, in relation to his mission to the coast of Africa.
Lynn, John A III 2008. Women, armies, and warfare in early modern Europe. ISBN 9780521722377
Lynton, Linda Sanjay K Singh 1995. The sari: Styles-patterns-history-techniques. ISBN 0500283788
Lyons, Chuck 2010 Summer. Simple but deadly. MHQ v22 n4 p10-15
Lyons, Jonathan 2009. The house of wisdom: How the Arabs transformed Western civilization. ISBN 978160819058
Lyons, Malcolm Cameron & DEP Jackson 1982. Saladin: The politics of holy war. ISBN 0521317398
Lyster, William 1993. The citadel of Cairo: A history and guide. ISBN 9775089042
Lytle, Andrew 1988. Southerners and Europeans. ISBN 0807114200