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Clayman, Chris & Meredith Lee 2010. :-( EthNYcity: The nations, tongues, and faiths of metropolitan New York. ISBN 9780982688908
Clayton, Bruce D 2004. Shotokan's secret: The hidden truth behind karate's fighting origins. ISBN 0897501446
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Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome 1999. Of giants: Sex, monsters, and the Middle Ages. ISBN 0816632170
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Conley, Robert J 2005. The Cherokee nation: A history. ISBN 9780826332356
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Conway, George L 1997. Garment & textile dictionary. ISBN 0827379862
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Cook, David R 1984. Lancastrians and Yorkists: The Wars of the Roses. ISBN 058235384x
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Cook, JM 1983. The Persian empire. ISBN 1566191157
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Cooke, Richard G; Hoopes, John W; Quilter, Jeffrey; & Nicholas J Saunders 2011. To capture the sun: Gold of ancient Panama. ISBN 9780981979915
Cooling, Benjamin Franklin 1989. Jubal Early's raid on Washington. ISBN 0817354751
Coombs-Hoar, Adrian 2015. Eagle in the dust: The Roman defeat at Adrianople AD 378. ISBN 1781590885
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Coppola, Francis Ford & James V Hart 1992. Bram Stoker's Dracula: The film and the legend. ISBN 1557041393
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Corbelli, Judith A 2006. The art of death in Graeco-Roman Egypt. ISBN 0747806470
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Cordescu, Andrei 2011. Whatever gets you through the night: A story of Sheherezade and the Arabian entertainments. ISBN 9780691143378
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Cowan, Ross & Seán Ó’Brógáin 2015. Roman legionary AD 284-337. ISBN 9781472806666
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Cowans, Jon ed. 2003. Early modern Spain: A documentary history. ISBN 0812218450
Coward, John M 2016. Indians illustrated: The image of Native Americans in the pictorial press. ISBN 9780252081712
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Cox, Barbara; Jones, Carolyn Sally; & David & Caroline Stafford 2012. Fashionable: An illustrated history of the bizarre and beautiful. ISBN 9781742522944
Cox, Caroline 2004. A proper sense of honor: Service and sacrifice in George Washington's army. ISBN 9780807858615
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Cumes, Carol & Rómulo Lizárraga Valencia 1995. Pachamama's children: Mother Earth & her children of the Andes in Peru. ISBN 1567181937
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Cumming, Valerie; Cunnington, CW; & PE Cunnington 2010. The dictionary of fashion history. ISBN 9781847885333
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Cummins, Antony 2022. The book of bushido: The complete guide to real samurai chivalry. ISBN 9781786786050
Cummins, Antony & Yoshie Minami 2012. The secret traditions of the shinobi. ISBN 9781583944356
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Cummins, Joan 2006. Indian painting from cave temples to the colonial period. ISBN 0878467041
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Curatola, Giovanni 2010. Turkish art and architecture: From the Seljuks to the Ottomans. ISBN 9780789210821
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Curtis, Gregory 2006. The cave painters: Probing the mysteries of the world's first artists. ISBN 9781400078875
Curtis, John ed. 1995. Later Mesopotamia and Iran: Tribes and empires 1600-539 BC. ISBN 0714111384
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Curtis, Michael 2009. Orientalism and Islam: European thinkers on oriental despotism in the Middle East and India. ISBN 9780521749619
Curtius Rufus, Quintus tr. John Yardley 1994. The history of Alexander. ISBN 0140444122
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Cusset, François 2008. French theory: How Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, & co. transformed the intellectual life of the United States. ISBN 9780816647330
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