Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1949 Tibetan thutob
>>>bell and pestle
Subjectthutob / mthu stobs fighting monk, ldab-ldob 'punk monk'
Culture: Tibetan
Setting: Tibet mid-late 20thc
Objecttribu / drilbu bell and dorje 'thunderbolt' pestle

​ Turkish Cafe & Lounge *

event photos

​ Palyul Changchub Dhargyayling *

​Museo Nacional de Antropología *
"Vajra, Ghanta.  (Tibet)  R. P. China.  Sigll XIX
La vajra (cetro) en la mano derecha simpoliza la verdad suprema, lo masculino, y la ghanta (campana) en la mano izquierda simoliza la sabaduría, lo feminino.  Juntos componen la unión mistica para la salvación."

* Irving Arts Center > Genghis Khan: The Exhibition
​"Thunderbolt and Bell  Brass  19th-20th century"

​Museum of Fine Arts *
​* Palyul Changchub Dhargyayling

​National Museum of Ireland -- Decorative Arts and History > What's in Store? *
* Chester Beatty Library
"Bell and vajra  
Bell: silver with brass handle  
Vajra: brass
19th or 20th century  
Tibet  ....
Bell presented to the Chester Beatty by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1991
Often used to together during rituals, the vajra (a type of sceptre) symbolises the indestructible nature of the Buddha's teachings and the sound of the bell represents the Buddhist concept of impermanence."

​​National Museum of Ireland -- Decorative Arts and History > What's in Store? *