Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1889 French gentilhomme
Subjectgentilhomme gentleman duellist
Culture: French bourgeoisie
Setting: Troisième République / Belle Époque / Fin-de-Siècle, France late 19th-early 20thc
Object: canne cane / walking stick

* Native Knives
​> event photos

Royal Armouries Museum > Self-Defence Gallery *
"Combined walking-stick revolver and dagger  French, 20th century
A most unusual combination weapon with a small revolver and short dagger blade concealed within a cane." ...

* Royal Armouries Museum > Self-Defence Gallery
"Sword stick  French, late 19th century  These weapons gave no clue that the carrier was armed and were popular with gentlemen-about-town.  They were light and, in the hands of a skilled user, very dangerous." ...​