Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1880 Tagiugmiut umialik
Subjectumialik 'boat owner' sea hunter
Culture: Tagiugmiut / North Alaskan Sea Eskimo
Setting: tribal warfare, northwestern Alaska 1850-1920
Object: atlatl/throwing board

​> event photos

* Carnegie Museum of Natural History > Polar World: Wyckoff Hall of Arctic Life
"THROWING BOARD (wood, baleen ivory) ..." ...

* Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology > Change and Continuity: Hall of the North American Indian
"Throwing Board (Probably Pacific Eskimo)  
Throwing boards were instrumental in hunting from a kayak.  They added length to the arms, thus providing extra thrust in hurling harpoons.  This specimen was collected by Edward G. Fast in 18670-1868.  An effigy carving, possibly of a man, occurs on its underside.  The depression above the effigy's head is thought to be a depiction of whale genitalia." ...