Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1873 Achinese 'alim
Subject: 'alim religious warrior
Culture: Achinese
Setting: Dutch war, Aceh 1873-1904
Objectrencong dagger
​Royal Armouries Museum > Oriental Gallery *
"Dagger (rentjong)  Malayan, 20th century
The rentjong is closely related to the tumbok lada,
 differing only in having its characteristic bulbous hilt with a long pommel extension."

* Tropenmuseum > Nederlands-Indië  
"Rentjong  Dit type dolk behoorde tot de standaarduitrusting van elke krijger.  IJzer, goud, email, akar bahar, hout.  Atjeh, Sumatra, Indonesië, 19de eeuw."
"Rentjong  This type of dagger was part of every warrior's standard equipment.  Iron, gold, enamel, akar bahar, wood.  Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, 19th century."

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