Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1862 N. Mexican vaquero
>>>>secondary sources
Subjectvaquero cowboy
Culture: northern Mexican mestizo
Setting: northern Mexico / western United States mid-18th-early 19thc

* Vaquero de Fort Worth
"Vaquero de Fort Worth by David Newton and Tomás Bustos" ...

* Baccus Plaza
"Vaquero  The Vaquero, or Cowboy, served the cattle industry of Texas and contributed to the mythical spirit of the West.  Between 1821 and the end of the trail-driving era, Mexican stock-handling techniques and horsemanship represented great influence on the cattle industry.  Many Vaqueros contracted with Texas ranchers, while others worked for Mexican operators to move cattle north to market." ...

* Pioneer Plaza