Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1802 Tlingit x'igaa káa
Subjectx'igaa káa warrior
Culture: Tlingit
Setting: Russian warfare, Northwest Coast 1802-1867
Objectshadaa helmet

event photos <

* American Museum of Natural History > Hall of Northwest Coast Indians

American Museum of Natural History > Hall of Northwest Coast Indians *
"Helmets.  Wooden collar to protect the lower face, carved to represent a sea lion."

* American Museum of Natural History > Hall of Northwest Coast Indians
"Helmet carved to represent a bat."

American Museum of Natural History > Hall of Northwest Coast Indians *
"Helmet carved to represent a sea lion."

* National Museum of the American Indian Heye Center > Listening to Our Ancestors
"Shadaa (wooden helmet), possibly of the Wooshkeetaan Clan, 1790-1820
Painted walrus or sea lion hide, opercula, leather, abalone shell, hair."
"Collar, 1750-1790"

* Museo de América > La realidad de América
"CASCO Y COLLERA con representaciones de rostros esquemáticos.
Madera, cobre, cuero y concha.  
Indios Tlingit (Siglo XVIII).  
Costa Noroeste.  
América del Norte."

* Museo de América > La realidad de América
"CASCO Y COLLERA que representa a un lobo, animal admirado y temido por su fuerza y violencia
Madera, concha y crin.  
Indios Tlingit (Siglo XVIII).  
Costa Noroeste.  
América del Norte."

* Cf.
>1795 Haida sea raider armor