Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1792 Turkish ayan
Subjectayan provincial warlord
Culture: Ottoman Turk
Setting: Rumelia-Anatolia 1792-1839
Objecthancer dagger

Metropolitan Museum of Art > Stone Gallery of Arms and Armor *
"Dagger  Steel, damascened with gold, silver-gilt, ivory
Grip and blade: Turkish, Ottoman period, 16th century
Guard: Turkish, Ottoman period, hallmarked for 1774-89
The green-stained ivory grip is carved with a delicacy that recalls many ivory objects made for the Ottoman court.
  The blade is inscribed in Turkish and Persian (the languages used at the Ottoman court):
I besought a drink of water from your trenchant dagger, what if but once you should let me drink,
 what would you lose?  If I thirst, his dagger is not laid down."
event photos

​* Royal Armouries Museum > Oriental Gallery
"Dagger (khanjar)  Turkish, late 18th century
The hilt of this khanjar is made from blue glass engraved
 with flowers and foliage and originally set with rubies.  
The use of glass as a medium for a hilt is unusual."