Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1790 Angl.-Am. frontiersman
>>>>secondary sources
Subject: frontier rifleman
Culture: Anglo-American
Setting: westward expansion, frontier warfare, trans-Appalachia late 18th-early 19thc

​Fort Pitt Museum *
"​Danger  Nat Youngblood
​The settler had to defend his family and himself from all dangers.
They would stand their ground; defend their homes, land and possessions against all foes.
The need for self-reliance soon turned a boy into a man."

* Dallas Museum of Art > Art of the Americas
"William Henry Huddle  American, 1847-1892  Davy Crockett, 1889  Oil on Masonite" ...
​Fort PItt Museum *
"Joy  Nat Youngblood
Few occasions during the year offered relief from the rigours and loneliness of wilderness life.
  Neighbors would gather to celebrate the harvest or other joyous events.
  The fiddler's bow then filled the night air and laughter would ring throug t [SIC] forest."

Fort Pitt Museum *
"Faith  Nat Youngblood
All people who have ventured into a new land face fear and superstition.
Often their religious faith would sustain them in their desperation."

Fort Pitt Museum *
"Courage On The Trail  Nat Youngblood
Grim determination to find a new way of life was etched into the faces of pioneers moving west.
They would travel through a dark sea of trees devoid of sunlight and filled with strange new sounds."