Subject: ceann-cinnidh clan chief
Culture: Scottish Highlander
Setting: Jacobite rebellions, Highland regiments, Scotland late 17-18thc
Object: claidheamh mor basket-hilt claymore sword
Tartan Day Ceilidh 2010 *
* Hunterian Museum
Museum of Scotland *
* Royal Ontario Museum > Samuel European Galleries > Arms & Armor
"Épée écossaise à poignée en corbeille Acier, avec cuir, peau de requin et fil de fer. La poignée en corbeille est doublée de cuir, la fusée est entourée de peau de requin et de fil de cuivre. Vers 1760-1790, ou plus tard. ... À usage militaire. Bien que la poignée puisse dater des années 1760-1790, il est possible que ce soit un modèle du même genre fabriqué plus tard."
* Metropolitan Museum of Art > Stone Gallery of Arms and Armor
"Basket-hilted Sword Steel, gilt and damascened with gold Scottish, 1730-50
National Museum of the American Indian on the National Mall *
Fort Pitt Museum *
"Scottish Basket-Hilted Sword, ca. 1750 Scottish troops played a large role in the fighting in western Pennsylvania, especially in Bouquet's expedition to relieve Fort Pitt in 1763. Scots in the British military were allowed to keep their distinctive Highland dress and weapons. This blade is marked 'Andrea Ferara,' a great Italian bladesmith, whose name was forged on many arms of the period to give a false sense of quality." ...
* Museum of Scotland
* Museum of Scotland
* Mad Piper, Angel Sword Bright Knight
Windlass Steelcrafts #500922 *
Windlass Steelcrafts #501435 *
* Cold Steel #88SB
* Hanwei
Colonial Williamsburg > Magazine *
* Colonial Williamsburg > Governor's Palace
* Colonial Williamsburg > Governor's Palace
Colonial Williamsburg > Governor's Palace <
Colonial Williamsburg > Governor's Palace <
* Sofe Design
* Royal Armouries Museum > War Gallery
"Basket-hilted sword Scottish, with German blade, early 18th century
The iron hilt is of characteristic Scottish type and of very good quality. The hilt bears the initials JS over G for the maker, probably one of the John Simpsons of Glasgow. The blade bearing the faked name ANDRIA FERARA, was imported from Germany and married to the hilt."
Angel Sword *
* Royal Armouries Museum > War Gallery
"Basket-hilted sword and scabbard Hilt probably English, about 1775 This is a more developed version of the hilt shown to the right.
The forward guards are attached by screws so they an be removed. The blade is German. Most of the scabbard is modern."
"Basket-hilted sword Hilt British, about 1765 The hilt of this sword is of a type worn by officers of Highland regiments of the British army."
Royal Armouries Museum > War Gallery *
"Basket-hilted sword Hilt Scottish, Glasgow, about 1730 By Robert Craig This hilt bears marks of its maker's initials and the coat of arms of Glasgow. The majority of Scottish basket hilts are of iron. Brass hilts, such as this, may have been gilded originally."
"Basket-hilted sword and scabbard Scottish, about 1750 This hilt is in the characteristic style of the Stirling armourer, Walter Allan.
The blade, probably German, is marked FERARA, a byword among Scots for quality in blades. The scabbard is probably later." ...
Museo Naval *
"Claymore o espada escocesa."