Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1745 Scot. ceann-cinnidh
>>>>field notes
Subjectceann-cinnidh clan chief
Culture: Scottish Highlander
Setting: Jacobite rebellions, Highland regiments, Scotland late 17th-18thc

1. Mad Piper/Angel Sword claymore
​Blade and scabbard made by Angel Sword, mounted to a hilt by The Mad Piper.

2. Windlass #501435


3. Cold Steel #88SB


4. Hanwei #SH1048
​Hanwei's backsword has the Stirling style baskethilt, with characteristic wavy bars.  


5. Windlass #500922
​This is Windlass' version of the Eglington pattern basket, one of the later patterns to emerge.  It closely resembles the Eglington baskethilt sword in the Royal Ontario Museum but lacks the hilt padding.