Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1597 Dutch cuirassier
Subject: cavalry cuirassier
Culture: Dutch Protestant
Setting: Spanish war, Netherlands late 16th - mid-17thc
Object: armor

​Higgins Armory Museum > Great Hall > Combat Wing *
"Composite three-quarter field armor for a cuirassier
Netherlands and Savoy 1610/20-1645 Steel (later blued) with gilding;
iron; brass; modern leather, fabric and other restorations" ...

* Metropolitan Museum of Art > Stone Gallery of Arms and Armor
"Cuirassier's Armor  Steel, etched and gilt  Possibly Dutch, dated 1621
This armor appears to belong to a small group of finely made Dutch armors 
from the first third of the seventeenth century.  The date is found in the decoration 
of the lowest plates of the poleyns (knee defenses) and reads, ANNO (left); 1621 (right).
    "Both the breastplate and backplate were proved, that is, a pistol or musket was fired 
at them to insure that they were bulletproof.  The resulting dent was then hammered out 
so as to leave only a slight depression, which was incorporated into the decoration.
    "The helmet's peak and falling buffe are restorations of the nineteenth century."  ...

Royal Armouries Museum > War Gallery *
"Cuirassier Armour  Dutch, about 1630
  This is a fine example of the type of armour worn by cuirassiers, the heavy cavalry of the 17th century.
  Senior officers in particular were frequently portrayed in this type of armour.
  The ivory-stocked pistols are Dutch, made in Maastricht about 1650.
  The wood-stocked pistols were made by the London gunsmith William Wilson.
  They bear the Arms of the Commonwealth, introduced in 1649 following the abolition of the monarchy."