Forensic Fashion
(c) 2006-present R. Macaraeg


>Costume Studies
>>1786 Qajar cavalry
Subject: irregular armored cavalryman
Culture: Turco-Iranian
Setting: civil war, Zand-Qajar Persia mid-late 18thc
Objectkulah helmet

​Harwood 10 *

* Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology >  Love and War: The Weaponized Woman

* American Museum of Natural History > Stout Hall of Asian Peoples

* National Museum of Scotland > Royal Museum
"ARMOUR  Iran  17th-18th Centuries  
"[...]  The spiked helmet, kulah, with an adjustable nose-guard and a mail curtain to protect the neck and shoulders is lavishly inlaid with spiralling foliage and inscriptions.  In use it would have been wrapped with a coloured scarf and adorned with plumes inserted into the three holders. ..."

* Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art > Permanent Collections
"Damascened Helmet
Persia  metal"

* Museo Nacional de Antropología > Religiones Orientales
Casco rematado por la cabeza de un demonio.   Presenta decoración incisa a ángeles y motivos vegetales.  En el Corán se habla de los ángeles y del demonio, como habitantes del cielo y del infierno, quienes se encargan de la alabanza o de la venganza a Dios."

PUBL Macaraeg 2011 p34 f3
event photos 

* Harwood International > Samurai Collection
"Khula-khud with div (helmet with demon)
Early 19th century
Iron" ...

* Crow Collection of Asian Art

​* Royal Armouries Museum > Oriental Gallery
"Helmet (kolah khud) and shield (separ)  Persian, 19th century  The helmet has a solid skull and is chiselled and gilded with hunting scenes." ....

*Royal Armouries Museum > Oriental Gallery
"Helmet (kolah khud Persian, early 19th century  This helmet, known by collectors as a 'devil's head' or 'devil's mask' type, has a pierced skull with Koranic inscription around the lower edge.  It is decorative and fashionable, intended for parade rather than war." ...